Terms .
Lead Time
All items highlighted in Italic are delivered within a 7 – 10 day lead time subject to stock availability. Otherwise goods are manufactured to order on a 3 -4 week lead time.
£45 on orders under £500. Applies to delivery UK mainland only excluding deliveries north of Glasgow and Edinburgh (Price on application). A collection discount is available.
Our products are guaranteed for 12 months, excepting our Classroom Tables which are guaranteed for 5 years and manufacturing defects in normal use and normal conditions.
All prices are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate at time of despatch.
All credit accounts are strictly 30 days from date of invoice.
Cancellation Charges
Cancelled orders will be charged at 35% of the order value for stocked products, non stock items will incur 100% cancellation charge.
Restocking Charge
A restocking charge of 50% will apply to all stocked product returned and returned in an unused and resaleable condition. Non stock products are non returnable.
Once a delivery has been signed for no claim for shortages will be accepted, however any damaged products must be signed for damaged and reported in writing within 2 working days